本商品的素材及配件均屬樹脂類加工品。即使以新品狀態保管,也會隨著時間經過,受濕氣、紫外線、高溫及污垢等因素的影響,約3年左右即會出現變質(剝翻訳 - 本商品的素材及配件均屬樹脂類加工品。即使以新品狀態保管,也會隨著時間經過,受濕氣、紫外線、高溫及污垢等因素的影響,約3年左右即會出現變質(剝英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Materials and accessories of this product are resin processed products. Even if kept in a new State, also through over time, moisture, UV rays, high temperatures and the effects of factors such as dirt, about 3 year appears bad (spalling, adhesion). In addition, this product in wet or prone to staining by the friction, please pay attention.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
This product material and accessories are the property of resin processed products. Even if the new state custody, will be with the passage of time, influenced by moisture, ultraviolet light, heat and dirt and other factors, about three years appears deteriorated (peeling, adhesion) phenomenon. In addition, the product is prone to staining during the wet state or friction, please pay more attention.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
This product material and accessories are resin products. Even in the new state of custody, over time will pass, affected by ultraviolet radiation, high temperature and moisture, dirt and other factors, about 3 years or so will appear Metamorphic (spalling, adhesion). In addition, this product in the wet state or friction prone to staining, please pay more attention to.
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